NHGA Event Registration should be done online via our BlueGolf Tournament Management portal. Registration will open on Monday, February 7th at 8AM. Please be sure your handicap is active before attempting to register for a tournament. If your handicap is inactive, please contact your home club to activate it for the season.

Non-New Hampshire residents are permitted to participate in NHGA Championships under the following guidelines.

  • Individuals who are full, dues paying members in good standing at an NHGA member club are eligible to participate so long as they have posted a minimum of ten (10) scores at that club in the past year OR in the calendar year, up to the deadline date, of the championship for which they’re applying. The NHGA may require documentation from a club official that the individual is a full member in good standing.
  • Individuals that only have their handicap established at an NHGA member club and are not considered full members by that club are also eligible to play. These individuals must have maintained their handicap at a New Hampshire club for a minimum of three (3) years and posted no fewer than fifteen (15) scores per year at that club or other NHGA member clubs. Individuals not meeting this requirement are generally not eligible to participate although the NHGA will entertain special requests made in writing to the Board of Directors.
  • Non-resident New Hampshire college students are not eligible to participate when remaining in New Hampshire during the summer months.

REFUND POLICY: A $10 service charge will be retained by the NHGA on all refunds granted for any reason. Entry fees will not be refunded within fourteen days of the start of the competition unless there are extreme circumstances preventing participation in the event. A player may request a full refund in writing for any reason.


Golf Cart Policy: When golf carts are permitted in an NHGA Championship, the use of carts is subject to the host facility's daily policy. The use of more than two golf carts per pairing group at an NHGA Championship is strictly prohibited. Caddies are permitted to ride in the golf cart with a player if there is a seat available. If there are more caddies than available seats, the players and caddies must decide who will use the seats in a timely manner.  The NHGA reserves the right to combine single riders into a single cart. Players should not assume that a caddie will have an open seat and should plan on having a caddie walk. 

Spectator Cart Policy: Spectator Carts are prohibited at NHGA Championships. If a spectator requires a golf cart due to a disability, the spectator must provide appropriate documentation to NHGA staff prior to receiving a cart. The spectator must abide by the spectator cart policies and may be subject to a cart rental fee from the host facility.

Cell Phone Policy: The use of cell phones may be necessary during certain NHGA events. The use of cell phones should be limited to necessary use (live scoring, weather, limited family events, etc.) only and shall be done in a way to minimize distraction to the player’s fellow competitors. In some cases, the NHGA may adopt Local Rule G-8 prohibiting or restricting the use of audio and video devices during a round.

Hole-By-Hole Mobile Scoring Policy: Select NHGA events will be utilizing hole-by-hole mobile scoring. For these events, hole-by-hole mobile scoring will be the only form of scoring, and no paper scorecards will be accepted.

Non-Resident Eligibility:

Non-New Hampshire residents are permitted to participate in NHGA Championships under the following guidelines. Individuals who are full, dues paying members in good standing at an NHGA member club are eligible to participate so long as they have posted a minimum of ten (10) scores at that club in the past year OR in the calendar year, up to the deadline date, of the championship for which they’re applying. The NHGA may require documentation from a club official that the individual is a full member in good standing.

Individuals that only have their handicap established at an NHGA member club and are not considered full members by that club are also eligible to play. These individuals must have maintained their handicap at a New Hampshire club for a minimum of three (3) years and posted no fewer than fifteen (15) scores per year at that club or other NHGA member clubs. Individuals not meeting this requirement are generally not eligible to participate although the NHGA will entertain special requests made in writing to the Board of Directors.

Non-resident New Hampshire college students are not eligible to participate when remaining in New Hampshire during the summer months.


The NHGA is moving to a hole-by-hole Mobile Scoring format for all events on the schedule.  What does this mean?  It means there will be no paper scorecards or rules sheets distributed and scoring is expected to be done on a hole-by-hole basis, in the BlueGolf  Amateur Golf' App which is available in all App Stores.  Please see the instruction videos below to walk you through the process of hole-by-hole Mobile Scoring.

Mobile Scoring Instructions


Instructions on How to Login:

Instructions for Mobile Scoring with a Marker:

Instructions for Flex Mobile Scoring: 


OUT OF BOUNDS: Defined by the line between the course-side points, at ground level, of white stakes/lines, fence posts, or other boundary objects.
Note: A ball, which crosses a public road defined as out of bounds and comes to rest beyond that road, is out of bounds, even though it may lie on another part of the course, unless stated as otherwise in the Local Rules.

PENALTY AREAS: When a penalty area is defined on only one side, it extends to infinity. When a penalty area is connected to the out-of-bounds edge, the penalty area extends to and coincides with out of bounds.

GROUND UNDER REPAIR: Defined by white lines. French drains are ground under repair. Ground under repair may include areas of unusual damage, including areas where spectators or other traffic has combined with wet conditions to affect materially the ground surface, but only when so declared by an authorized member of the Committee. When immediately adjacent to an immovable obstruction, such an area is part of the obstruction.

RELIEF FROM SEAMS OF CUT TURF: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the committee procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule F-7.

WHITE-LINED AREAS TYING INTO ARTIFICIALLY SURFACED ROADS AND PATHS: White-lined areas of ground under repair and the artificially surfaced roads, paths, or other identified obstructions that they are connected to are a single abnormal course condition when taking relief under Rule 16.1

INTEGRAL OBJECTS: Include cables, rods, wires, and wrappings when closely attached to trees, and artificial walls and pilings when located in penalty areas and bunkers.

TEMPORARY IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS: Local Rules as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule F-23.

LIST OF CONFORMING DRIVER HEADS: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule G-1.

LIST OF CONFORMING GOLF BALLS: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule G-3.

REPLACEMENT OF CLUB THAT IS BROKEN OR SIGNIFICANTLY DAMAGED: Model Local Rule G-9 is in effect. Rule 4.1b(3) is modified in this way: If a player’s club is “broken or significantly damaged” during the round by the player or caddie, except in cases of abuse, the player may replace the club with any club under Rule 4.1b(4). When replacing a club, the player must immediately take the broken or significantly damaged club out of play, using the procedure in Rule 4.1c(1). For the purposes of this Local Rule a club is “broken or significantly damaged” when the shaft breaks into pieces, splinters or is bent (but not when the shaft is only dented), the club face impact area is visibly deformed (but not when the club face is only scratched), the clubhead is visibly and significantly deformed, the clubhead is detached or loose from the shaft, or the grip is loose. Exception: A club face or clubhead is not “broken or significantly damaged” solely because it is cracked. Penalty for Breach of Local Rule – See Rule 4.1b

BALL PLAYED FROM OUTSIDE RELIEF AREA WHEN TAKING BACK-ON-LINE RELIEF: Model Local Rule E-12 is in effect. When taking Back-On-the-Line relief, there is no additional penalty if a player plays a ball that was dropped in the relief area required by the relevant Rule (Rule 16.1c(2), 17.1d(2), 19.2b or 19.3b) but came to rest outside the relief area, so long as the ball, when played, is within one club-length of where it first touched the ground when dropped. This exemption from penalty applies even if the ball is played from nearer the hole than the reference point (but not if played from nearer the hole than the spot of the original ball or the estimated point where the ball last crossed the edge of the penalty area). This Local Rule does not change the procedure for taking Back-On-the-Line relief under a relevant Rule. This means that the reference point and relief area are not changed by this Local Rule and that Rule 14.3c(2) can be applied by a player who drops a ball in the right way and it comes to rest outside the relief area, whether this occurs on the first or second drop.

PACE OF PLAY: See separate memorandum to players for pace of play policy, when applicable.

USE OF AUDIO & VIDEO DEVICES: Rule 4.3a(4) is modified in this way: During a round, a player must not listen to or watch content of any nature on a personal audio or video device.

TENTS, SIGNAGE, SPONSOR MATERIALS: Tents, signage, and other sponsor materials such as banners, vehicles, etc. are deemed to be Temporary Immovable Obstructions.

PRACTICE: Prior to and after a round in stroke play, a player may practice on the designated practice areas. Rule 5.2b covering practice in stroke play is modified in this way: A player may not practice on the competition course before or between rounds. Penalty for breach of Local Rule, see Rule 5.2.

STOPPING AND RESUMING PLAY: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule J-1. An immediate suspension will be signaled by one prolonged airhorn note. All other types of suspension will be signaled by three consecutive airhorn notes. Resumption of play will be signaled by two short airhorn notes. All practice areas are closed during an immediate suspension for a dangerous situation until the Committee has declared them open. Players who practice on closed practice areas will be asked to stop practicing; failure to stop Practicing might result in disqualification.


RETURNING SCORECARD: For the purpose of applying Rule 3.3b, a competitor is considered to have returned his scorecard when he or she has first left the scoring area.

WHEN COMPETITION IS FINAL: When all scores have been posted on the Official Scoreboard and approved by the NHGA Rules & Competitions Committee, the result of the Competition is deemed to have been officially announced.


Revised April 9, 2019

The NHGA expects all players at all times to act in accordance with the spirit of the game. Serious misconduct and repeated violations of this Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action and potential banishment from future NHGA events. In registering for any NHGA tournament, players agree to abide by this code and its penalties. Players are responsible for the actions of their caddies and spectators that may be following their group.

Decisions on violations of the Code of Conduct will be made by the Executive Director and the Rules & Competitions Committee with assistance from the Board of Directors. Decisions are final unless appealed by the player.

NHGA Code of Conduct

The NHGA views the following actions as serious misconduct and violations of this Code of Conduct

  • Repeated and deliberate failure to care for the golf course. This includes not raking bunkers, not replacing or filling divots, and not repairing player damage to putting green, including ball marks
  • Use of repeated unacceptable language. The NHGA will take into account when and where foul and abusive language is used
  • Continued abuse of clubs and the deliberate damage to golf course property
  • Blatant disrespect or abuse of other players, referees, golf course staff, and spectators
  • Any complaints to staff or refusal to use hole-by-hole mobile scoring in any NHGA events
  • Any other actions that include serious misconduct in breach of Rule 1.2a

Penalties for Breach

  • First breach of the Code of Conduct – warning or Committee sanction
  • Second breach – one stroke penalty
  • Third breach – general penalty (2-strokes in stroke play/Loss of hole in match play)
  • Fourth breach or any breach deemed to be serious misconduct – disqualification and potential exclusion from future NHGA events

Appeal Procedure

  • Penalties applied during the round may be appealed to NHGA staff or Committee members in attendance prior to scores being finalized
  • Disqualification penalties and expulsion from future events may be appealed in writing to the NHGA Board of Directors
  • Spectators found in violation of this policy may be asked to leave the grounds.

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